• “gotta do more, gotta be more”

    “chaos dreaming, chaos screaming, gotta do more, gotta be more”                I dream of chaos. I lie to myself and tell myself I like my routines that I like the rigidity of it all, but it’s what’s slowly killing me. I believe that we as man need spontaneity as much as we need water to…

  • some SHINE and a lil RAIN

    The sky isn’t sad this afternoon. Yesterday he pouted and moped around all day. I can’t hold it against him. I get it. Sometimes you need a gloomy day to appreciate one like today.                He still holds remnants of yesterday. He tries to hide it through all his white clouds with puffed out chests…

  • NO SUN just RAIN

    I don’t feel human. Do you feel human? Do you feel alive? Eat. Sleep. Be where you’re supposed to be when you’re supposed to be. Same sights. Same paths. Same old same old. Give me something different. Let me feel something more than safe. More than comfortable. Give me something real. Give me something human.…

  • I have to Pee

    I don’t know you and you the same for me. That’s fun, we’re new to each other, we’re strangers on the street who decided to give a small part of our days to each other. Where should we start? We don’t have to start now. We could wait. We could just continue walking around this…


    A shit review Never had a laptop on my knees on the toilet but it feels natural. As natural as descendants of primitive mammals now living in a tech fueled dystopia. Oh fuck im shitting oh fuck ohhhhhhyeah goosebumps plague my arms and the tops of my thigh as it exits my body fuckkkkk this…

  • “The start of a new day”

    0600- Alarm goes off; “fuck this alarm”. My plan was to wake up early and do a 3 mile hike this morning. I have been lazy and eating like shit since Friday. “If I don’t get out of this bed these pitiful last 2 day will continue into 3 days of sloth and then a…

  • Sometimes you smoke a cigar

    Sometimes you smoke a cigar because you have a reason to. Sometimes you smoke a cigar because it feels like a good time to smoke a cigar.                There is something about the perfect mix of distinct flavors, a smooth burn and a rich aroma that lets you engulf yourself in the cigar smoking experience.…

  • “To SANDI, or not to SANDI, that is the question”

    I should probably start with a summary or a quick recap, but nahhhh. I’m going to pick up where I never left off and you can put the pieces of scattered stories where you see fit. I should probably come up with a title or name for this gay ass blog. I want to do…

  • The Art of Connection

    In the ever-evolving world, the art of forging genuine connections remains timeless. Whether it’s with colleagues, clients, or partners, establishing a genuine rapport paves the way for collaborative success.

  • Beyond the Obstacle

    Challenges in business are a given, but it’s our response to them that defines our trajectory. Looking beyond the immediate obstacle, there lies a realm of opportunity and learning.